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Friday 7 August 2015

MRSA, Superbugs and time to say Goodbye

August 8 marks the fifteenth anniversary of the discovery of Classical Swine Fever in 2000 on a farm near here, with Foot and Mouth following in the February. Britain was also awaiting the results of an enquiry into the origins of Mad Cow (BSE) at that time.

Appalled at what was going on around us, the writer started campaigning almost immediately. First with “Pigging It”, then devoting the existing Self-Sufficiency in Style website to the issue, followed by  regular posts to newsgroup and finally also a blog: Animal-Epidemics.

The writer is tired and needs a break, having worked almost every day since, including Christmas Day, except when actually in hospital.  Posting was often done when on the move - from the USA, Germany, France, Holland, Cyprus, all over the British Isles and even from sea.

The decision to cease campaigning was made a few days ago, following the realisation that the writer was no longer a lonely voice in the wilderness. 

Now, the WWW is full of animal health, related human and zoonotic issues. The consequences of veterinary drug dealing creating a worldwide antibiotic resistant disaster are widely understood. 

Hundreds of campaign groups, formal and informal, are investigating the catastrophe and posting far and wide.

News, new science, complaints, criticism and comments are pouring out in every language. The veterinarians can no longer work unchallenged.

In recent weeks, there have been some amazing changes in attitude from high in Britain's corrupt veterinary establishment, its many wealthy charities and front organisations. 

Maybe it is conscience, maybe fear. They must realise that the analysis of DNA in stored samples will expose the crimes against humanity and the vicious cover-ups.

We can’t put the genie of superbugs back in the bottle, but disaster and reform are bedfellows, and it is right and proper to stand back and allow the forces of institutional reform in Britain space to operate.

It only remains for me to thank so many for the kindness and support over so many years.

And wish the reformers every success.

There will be time to get on with writing that abandoned book and maybe even finish it this time.

Pat Gardiner
Release and independently audit the results of testing British pigs
for MRSA, C.Diff and Hepatitis E now!

Saturday 25 July 2015

Superbugs - Klebsiella pneumoniae may be entering our hospitals from meat.

Just when we thought it could not get any worse.

Maryn McKenna writing in the National Geographic today on current research results in Texas.

We have just picked out the main points, you can read the whole and review the science via this link.

A Common Hospital Infection May be Coming To Us From Food

by Maryn McKenna

One of the most common and troubling infections that occur in healthcare may come from an unexpected source, according to a new paper: from food...

...The infection is Klebsiella pneumoniae, a stubborn gut-dwelling organism that can cause pneumonia, bloodstream infections and meningitis. The finding that it is present in food—and in some cases, practically genetically identical in food and in hospitals—comes from a multi-institute project that for several years has been closely analyzing pathogens found on supermarket meat and in hospital patients in Flagstaff, Ariz... 

... Klebsiella increasingly is also highly drug resistant, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rank the most resistant form as an “urgent” health threat requiring immediate national action.

But just where Klebsiella comes from, in order to make it into patients in the first place, has been a bit of a mystery...

...And that establishes that what created the resistance patterns in the bacteria—originating on the farm, crossing to humans and then passing to hospital patients—is the routine use of farm antibiotics that in the past year has become an urgent public policy issue. “This is just more evidence,” he said, “that antibiotic use in food animals poses a significant threat to public health.”

Friday 17 July 2015

Britain - MRSA - Questions in Parliament - Reform will follow.

Things have been lively in both the House of Commons and and the House of Lords recently with a string of absurd State Veterinary double somersaults on antics antibiotic and matters mrsa.

You could call it a veterinary Indian rope trick. The questions are sensible, the answers ridiculous.

You can read it all for yourselves, and if you get the impression that you are not getting the truth, you would, of course, be right.

Britain, it seems, now admits using more antibiotics in livestock than superbug-ridden Denmark, but miraculously escapes getting much in the way of  MRSA.

The old people, the pregnant, the children and the cancer sufferers are, of course, the victims of the crime of the century.

Of course, the culprits and drug dealers will be called to account, their bank accounts confiscated and their massive institutional assets removed. Reform will follow.

Latest first.

A question Asked by Kerry McCarthy
(Bristol East)
Asked on: 09 July 2015
and the answer on the

Answered by: George Eustice
Answered on: 16 July 2015

Then in the Lords

Asked by Lord Hunt of Kings Heath
Asked on: 29 June 2015
Department of Health
and the answer

Answered by: Lord Prior of Brampton
Answered on: 13 July 2015

Back to the Commons

Asked by Kerry McCarthy
(Bristol East)
Asked on: 07 July 2015
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Livestock: MRSA

Answered by: George Eustice
Answered on: 13 July 2015

Thursday 18 June 2015

MRSA found in English pork in English supermarkets?

Following the Guardian articles and video this morning, reports are now appearing in the trade media that MRSA st398 has been found in British pork in English supermarkets.

Note that this is not the same as English pork in English supermarkets.

The wording is not clear enough to be actually certain and it is probably devious Defra, agricultural ministry and master manipulators of news, trying to sneak the news out.

Anyway, assuming that it is English pork in English supermarkets, it has taken more than ten years to drag the confession out of them.

DNA tests on old samples will provide the necessary proof of state veterinary deception in due time.

You can catch up on the Guardian articles here.

The accompanying video is quite compelling and may force a long, long overdue confession of MRSA in Scottish pigs from the Scottish government in Edinburgh.

You can watch the video here.

Whilst writing the Israelis have found MRSA in horses "presumed introduced by a veterinarian" and Hepatitis E has been found in British dogs.

Busy days dealing with dark deeds.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

The superbug scandal unravelling in Europe

The superbug scandal, and in particular the responsibility of livestock farming for creating the problem continues, to grow.

MRSA, although merely one of many antibiotic resistant infections shared with animals, continues to take centre stage. The volume of media reports coming in daily, worldwide, ever increases.

The veterinary industry continues to pour out misleading propaganda, but with far less confidence.

The veterinarians, not least in Britain, have at last realised that they are going to be called to account, and not by some veterinary regulatory body, with kindly words and a slapped wrist from fellow veterinarians.

They are going to be in the world courts facing charges of crimes against humanity, stripped of public sympathy and shorn of their public relation's machine.

Defra, Britain's ridiculous agricultural ministry and their attendant politicians and cronies, will be too busy trying to cover-up their own devious protection racketeering to offer any help.

It is not just happening in Britain. The endless rows in Denmark are taking their toll.
This caught our eye today:

Veterinarians seeking to defend their wild reckless exploitation of antibiotics are going to have to watch their words very carefully. The world is listening.

Finding solutions to reinvent new healthy pig and poultry industries is not proving to be easy.

Norway, the leaders in the race, is finding more farms with MRSA cc398, temporarily stopping them as a possible MRSA free source for breeding stock. But there has been a benefit: all the latest victim farms took weaners from a single source, helping prove the case for segregating the new high health pig farms on islands, such as Bornholm and Islay, from pigs and pig people, except under highly controlled environments. Strict science is needed at the top of the pyramid: good science to defeat bad science.

Sad to see that all the small farmers and smallholders, in many countries, that had isolated pigs able to provide the clean stock have long been driven out of livestock farming by corrupt government, megalomaniac veterinarians and their industrial cronies.

Things could have been so different had the rule of law been properly applied. Magna Carta was forgotten in the greedy rush to make fortunes, whatever the consequences.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Denmark & UK? - Almost every third box of pork is MRSA-infected

A doubtful machine translation, with much of the source material in Danish behind password protection, is causing a stir in Denmark.

The Danes seem to be admitting that British supermarkets are full of MRSA contaminated Danish pork.

From other prior sources, we are pretty certain that is right. They probably do not want to broadcast the fact in English and prefer an ambiguous publication. It has happened often before and is part of the price of allowing PR fanatics to take control of animal health.

And, we understand, that the Scottish Government has just given the Danes a contract to manage Scotland's only pig slaughterhouse, which in turn has received a substantial taxpayer subsidy.

If we had any reliable figures from England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland, which we do not, we would probably find MRSA contamination in local pork just as bad, possibly even worse.

Scotland has not yet admitted any MRSA in their pigs or pork. That has to come soon.

Read the Politiken report in full here.

19 MAY. 2015 KL. 6.19

Almost every third box of pork is MRSA-infected

Eight out of 25 parcels pork containing the resistant bacterium MRSA, the study by the Consumer Council.

A. Two. Three - MRSA.

There should not be counted very many packages in British supermarkets with pork chops, pork tenderloin, pork sliced and rib roast for that statistically has identified a package where the resistant bacteria MRSA hiding.

For eight out of 25 parcels pork is the multi-resistant MRSA bacterium CC398 secret guest, according to a new study by the Consumer Council Think, writes BT.

Consumer Council has studied the 25 packages of meat in the laboratory and found the particular type of staphylococci in eight of them.

"Our tests confirm that MRSA is widespread and moves from sties and completely in supermarkets, and we as a society are facing a huge challenge to fight the multi-resistant bacteria resurfacing," says Anja Philip, president of the Consumer Council Think to BT...

...Even though MRSA is not immediately dangerous to healthy people, it can be fatal for elderly or frail people to put teeth in MRSA-infested meat.

According to Hans Jorgen Kolmos, a professor of clinical microbiology at the University of Southern Denmark, the spread of MRSA "have far-reaching consequences," wrote BT...

Superbugs "Sooner or later, somebody is going to be gunning for these guys."

Jim O'Neill, now Lord O'Neill as of the last few days, on Antibiotic Resistance in BBC 1 flagship Panorama last night:

"Sooner or later, somebody is going to be gunning for these guys."

They already are.

In fairness, there has been a massive change in attitude by some of Britain's most senior veterinarians in the last few days.  They obviously know 'the game is up' and are trying to manage damage limitation.

Incidentally, the archives are now being plundered in a systematic way, obviously for evidence. Investigators and journalists will find plenty of interest dating back years, often from sources prematurely removed.

This really was, and is, the scandal of the century.

On the political side, it will impact on both Scottish independence and Britain's membership of the EU.