Not good, is it? Nobody knows what to do despite the seriousness of the situation.
It was a pity this was not tackled ten years ago.
Denmark is not getting any help from abroad. So much for Britain's self-promotion of its veterinary science! Britain is not even looked to for help or information.
We have long suggested closing some of Scotland's surplus veterinary colleges to remove some of Britain's excess veterinary capacity.
Spare veterinarians does not equal more knowledge, merely more prescribing of antibiotics to livestock in the UK. Without antibiotics, they won't be able to do much to help animals anyway.
As British veterinarians continue to hide up and play down the situation in Britain, the government will have to bring in foreign replacements to do the necessary work of at least finding out and making public how bad things really are in the UK.
As always read the full article, here (machine translation)
26. AUGUST 2014 KL. 09:17
Politicians are powerless against mutiresistent swine bacterial
Politicians call for knowledge so they can slow the spread of swineMRSA.
Report and on duty
...Pigs bacterium MRSA CC398 spreads currently in the Danish population at an unprecedented rate. As Politiken wrote yesterday, estimated by leading experts that between 6,000 and 12,000 Danes are already infected with the potentially deadly, multi-resistant bacteria.
At Christiansborg react politicians on the new figures with impotence.
"I feel really bad that the bacterium spreads, except I have no idea what to do about it. We have no idea frankly do not know what we're going to, "said the Social Democrats food spokesperson Orla Sea, and called the knowledge base 'rubbish'.
"Now we must make every effort to find out how we get extinct pig MRSA. My suggestion is that the minister is putting together a team of researchers from the human and the veterinary side, so we can get some useful knowledge, "said Orla Hav.
Also Danish People's René Christensen (DF), who is chairman of the Food Committee, feels without a compass.
"We have not received proper guidance of the Food & Drug Administration and Health...
...No help available abroad
Politicians express frustration that they apparently did not pick up useful experience abroad.
First, Denmark is one of the countries most seriously affected by the pig-MRSA, secondly see countries like the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden and Norway, which are also struggling with pig MRSA, does not seem to have found a good solution. Norway has tried to whole herds down to start fresh with new, healthy piglets and clean, disinfected
piggeries. Nevertheless, several of the crew after a short time got pig MRSA again.
Even in the Netherlands, which was the first country that established the multiresitente staphylococcus, has managed to crack the code to reduce pig MRSA. Here are up to 80 percent of the herds still infected, despite the fact that we have managed to reduce antibiotic use in barns...