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Monday, 25 February 2013

Canadian Porcine Circovirus problems

This is the first time we have seen the current Canadian Porcine Circovirus problems admitted so bluntly, although we have known of problems for many years.

Usually forms of words have been used for many years to confuse rather then illuminate.

On some occasions, during past flare-ups, attempts have been made to rename pig diseases "for PR reasons."

The crucial issues will be co-infections: diseases accompanying Circovirus and attempts to deal with those by antibiotic use with resulting human health risks.

The international trade in live pigs,semen and embryos for breeding  purposes and its role in spreading disease internationally will also come under the spotlight.

Full Farmscape report here

Florian Possberg - Canadian Swine Health Board
Farmscape for February 25, 2013

The Canadian Swine Health Board is optimistic the effort to reduce the risk of disease impacting Canada's swine herd will receive the funding necessary to allow it to continue.

The Canadian Swine Health Board was formed in 2009 with funding provided by the federal government to help respond to a porcine circovirus epidemic and to take the lead in developing strategies to prepare for future emerging diseases.

With the original federal funding agreement due to expire at the end of March efforts are underway to develop a new funding arrangement that will allow the work to continue.
Canadian Swine Health Board Chair Florian Possberg reports the provincial pork organizations have agreed to a levy which will provide some funding, other industry players have indicated they are willing to consider participation and the federal government is being asked to reallocate money previously committed.