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Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Britain - Circovirus present on 99 percent of pig farms

Defra, once MAFF,  Britain's disastrous agricultural ministry obviously did not want to worry the consumers.

The scientists even admit they don't understand these diseases. That has been obvious since 1998-9, when the disease arrived and the cover-up began.

You can't make money out of sick pigs.

We have been eating our way through diseases they don't understand for 13 years, whilst anyone trying to blow the whistle on government test faking and fabrications, even giving evidence to Parliament and OLAF, the serious fraud squad of the EU, was abused, harassed and threatened by the state veterinary civil service and their cronies.


That's without the massive implications of excessive antibiotic use on co-infections leading to antibiotic resistance disease killing humans.

Anyway a wall of years of British government deception is obviously now crumbling.

There is going to be a massive row now.

There will have to be a Royal Commission of Enquiry.

Be sure to read the whole news report on Phys.Org. here

March 26, 2013

Pig wasting syndrome costing farmers millions 

Stark new figures show that a common pig virus, present on 99 per cent of pig farms has major economic implications for individual farmers and the pig industry as a whole... PMWS, a serious syndrome which results in emaciation and death in up to 30 per cent of cases.

... researchers from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) have spent the past five years working to understand the factors that lead to farms developing high rates of PMWS and creating models to work out the cost of the disease as well as the potential savings for farmers by tackling the disease in different ways.

Professor Dirk Werling, from RVC, who led the project, explains: "We've known for many years that this is a serious disease in pigs. It is now endemic globally and will haunt the pig industry for years to come; therefore it is crucial that we understand the biological basis of the virus as well as the cost implications...

... These figures are shocking, but are an important step in enabling farmers and the industry as a whole to look at feasible and sustainable intervention strategies."

...In the most severe cases where the infected pig dies from PMWS, this costs the farmer an estimated £84, with the least severe case - where a pig is carrying the virus but displays no clinical symptoms - cost £8....