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Friday 4 October 2013

"Dog-killing illness may affect humans" Michigan vet

And, do you know, she might just be right!

If there is any connection between Porcine Circovirus and human health, we have something potentially very dangerous, and probably to those most vulnerable.

Anyway, we can’t see a veterinarian saying anything like that publicly in Britain: the subject is taboo.

Circovirus certainly does not travel alone. It seems to prepare the way for other otherwise unconnected illnesses in pigs. Why not in man?

We have been writing about Porcine Circovirus under its many names and manifestations for thirteen years. This Michigan veterinarian is not the first to suspect risks to humans.

You will find many references to Circovirus and its dangers on this site, please use the search function on this page.

Be sure to read Kathy Lynn Gray's article in full here.

Dog-killing illness may affect humans, Michigan vet says

By  Kathy Lynn Gray

The Columbus Dispatch Thursday October 3, 2013 11:38 AM

A Michigan veterinarian said this morning that a virus believed to be killing dogs in Ohio may be what has been sickening and killing dogs in her state for more than a year.

And she said the virus might be passing from humans to dogs and from dogs to humans.

Dr. Lindsay Ruland said her clinic in Ann Arbor, Emergency Veterinary Hospital, has seen hundreds of cases of dogs with the symptoms attributed to canine circovirus: vomiting and bloody diarrhea, quick onset of lethargy, abdominal pain and severe inflammation of the intestinal tract.

“This is like nothing we’ve ever seen before, and I don’t know if it’s multiple viruses in combination or just the circovirus,” said Ruland...

...Ruland said the symptoms have shown up at their emergency clinic during the human flu season, beginning in August, and appear to show up in dogs whose owners also have flu-like symptoms. She said she and her staff have had flu-like symptoms after treating dogs with the symptoms.

She said human symptoms are abdominal pain, nausea and breathing issues...

...She said her clinic has seen 20 to 30 cases since August and had six dogs with the symptoms die in the last month.