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Tuesday, 8 March 2011

House of Commons examines Antibiotics in Livestock

Canada, not Britain, of course.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation tested some meat and the Canadian House of Commons gets to discuss the results.

Britain's BBC could do the same.

Government veterinarians in the UK tell us that British livestock does not have MRSA, because they have not found any, so there is nothing for Britain’s MPs to discuss.

Until then the MPs can carry on discussing their expenses undisturbed by reality or any duty to protect public health.

Mind you if and when MRSA is found, they will turn on the vets with added ferocity.

A number of farming groups and supermarkets in Britain will now be testing in lieu of government action, if they find, and more importantly admit, a problem, the situation for the veterinarians is dire indeed.

Full Article here

Antibiotics use in animals examined by MPs

Committee examining whether use of antibiotics in livestock affects human resistance to life-saving drugs

CBC News

Posted: Mar 8, 2011 2:08 PM ET  Last Updated: Mar 8, 2011 2:08 PM ET

Antibiotic resistance is getting another look Tuesday with a parliamentary committee on health examining antibiotic use in livestock.

The House of Commons health committee will hear witnesses from industry and health advocacy groups about whether giving antibiotics to the animals Canadians eat makes us more resistant to the drugs used to treat our health problems.

A special investigation by CBC's Marketplace tested 100 raw chicken samples from Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver.

All of the bacteria uncovered during the Marketplace sampling were resistant to at least one antibiotic. Some of the bacteria found were resistant to eight different types of antibiotics.

"This is the most worrisome study I've seen of its kind," said Rick Smith, the head of Environmental Defence, a consumer advocacy group...