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Friday, 22 June 2012

Antibiotic use in Dutch pigs falls again in 2011

The Dutch continue to reduce antibiotic use in livestock.

In Britain, after many years of knowing there was a problem, we still do not have any figures specific to pigs.

More detailed species specific information on Dutch usage available from site:

…Trends in total sales
In the period 2009-2011 the total sales of antibiotics, licensed for therapeutic use in animals in the Netherlands, decreased by nearly 32%, from 495 tonnes in 2009 to 338 tonnes in 2011 (FIDIN, 2012). This means that the policy objective for 2011, a 20% reduction in 2011 compared with 2009, was more than reached. As compared with 2007, the year with the highest sales, the decrease until 2011 was 40%.
Trends in use per species
In 2011, all animal production sectors in the Netherlands showed a decrease in antibiotic use:
·         sow/piglet farms: annual variation, decrease in 2010 and 2011;
·         fattening pig farms: increase until 2008, decrease from 2009 to 2011;
·         broiler farms: increase until 2009, decrease in 2010 and 2011;
·         veal calf farms: decrease from 2007 to 2011;
·         dairy farms: annual variation, decrease in 2011…