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Saturday 9 May 2009

Let's call Swine Flu: Alberta Pig Flu.

In Alberta, not satisfied with any of the existing names, they are calling Swine Flu: "SOIV” (Swine Originated Influenza Virus)

It’s a good job some of the journalists are on the ball. These people have misled the world on what looks the most serious human health threat for decades.

Signs of disagreement between the medical and veterinary people, we note.

We also find out for the first time, that both the pigs and farmer were sick before the now famous carpenter turned up from Mexico: the man who was supposed to have introduced the "new" virus to the pigs, following his visit to Mexico.

“several family members were sick over the Easter weekend, a few days before the sick carpenter turned up on the farm.”

“adding that a chronic respiratory problem that had plagued the herd may have masked the first signs.”

The world should rename it "Alberta Pig Flu." They won’t do that again.

Circumstantial evidence the only proof of person-to-pig H1N1 infection: CFIA

TORONTO — There is no smoking gun in the case of the H1N1 infected pigs - and authorities investigating the first known infections of pigs with this new swine flu virus may not be able to unearth one, a senior Canadian Food Inspection Agency official admits.

Testing of people on the Alberta farm - some of which was done too late, some of which may not have used the best technique to get an answer - has turned up no solid proof people brought the virus to the pigs. And it remains to be seen whether blood testing will be able to fill the evidence gap....