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Monday, 29 December 2014

Denmark - Pig MRSA - Government veterinarians to blame.

The Danes have reached the obvious conclusion.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the veterinarians and, in particular, the government veterinarians, are primarily responsible for the recent zoonotic disease epidemics endangering human health, worldwide.

Identical conclusions are emerging in Denmark, as elsewhere.

Fiery stuff! Be sure to read in full here.

The gathering international storm is now off Britain's shore.

The British equivalent, Defra, and accompanying veterinary nightmare, will have to be totally purged and reformed.

MRSA scandal created in the Ministry of Food

Published December 28, 2014 | By Kjeld Hansen

National Audit dissects the coming months ( Pol. 12/11/2014 ) Ministry of Food scandalous handling of the exploding MRSA epidemic, and from the outset the arrow will point toward the ministry vets who the real culprits.

Why is a veterinarian, the most appropriate to protect public health against resistant bacteria pig? ...

...Why has Health Minister Nick Haekkerup (S) less influence on the protection of public health than a veterinarian?...

...In reality the National Audit Office move the focus to the Ministry of Health and ask Health Minister Nick Haekkerup: Why leaving you responsible for the Danish population's health and infection risk to a handful of veterinarians? There is the real scandal.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Denmark - MRSA st398 in horses and equestrian people.

Discontent in Denmark is really in full flow. The veterinary industry can't stop the stream of critical reporting.

But the emphasis will now move to Britain and Ireland and to some of the most privileged people in both countries and some others.

Denmark deliberately introduces horses and other animals into the picture. That is especially explosive in Britain and Ireland, not least since HM the Queen had to pay back 86,000 sterling when some lunatic put morphine into the feed of one of her winners. Horse racing drug ethics are always, rightly, in question and often found wanting.

We have long known MRSA st398 was in British horses, and logically therefore in French and Irish horses, the stable girls, jockeys, veterinarians too. That means half the establishment, often the women, are exposed. There will also be a good sprinkling of Arabs, men not normally in touch with pigs or pork, and Arab horses will be carriers too.

As for cats and dogs… we don't know, possibly we suppose.

But the British and Irish love of horses makes for a far bigger mess now in Britain and Ireland than in Denmark. The risks are to a group far more politically significant than pig farmers.

The full Ingineer report is here be sure to read the whole.

Experts: Other animals must be tested for MRSA

Two thirds of Danish pig herds affected by MRSA, but other animals can also be infected by the resistant staphylococcal bacteria. Among other horses should now be examined, experts believe.

By Christian Østergaard December 23, 2014 at. 14:44

Though it may be much easier to be infected by a horse than a pig, it's still not studied how many horses and other animals that are affected by MRSA. Ministry of Food experts recommend studies of a variety of animals.

'The presence of livestock-MRSA in other productive than pigs should be examined such as cattle, mink, poultry and horses,' says a group of experts' recommendations...

..."It is well known that other animals can be infected with MRSA, and there is particularly strong evidence that MRSA CC398 found in pigs, also likes horses. Several studies from Germany and other countries shows that it is the most common type of MRSA in horses, but it has not been studied in Denmark, "says Professor MSO at Copenhagen University's Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Luca Guard Abassi.

He stresses that this is guess as long as the area has not been investigated in Denmark. There are no data on the frequency of livestock-MRSA among horses in the country, but researchers have an idea that it may be present, says Luca Guard Abassi. On the other hand
he does not expect that the bacterium is common among other animals. "Each animal is in various degrees of risk. Based on what we see in other countries, we expect that the horse is a potential disease carrier, while poultry and cattle carries a lesser extent, "he suggests...

...If, for example Danish horses carrying the infection, the risk will be that among other veterinarians and horse owners at risk of becoming infected. And although the number of horses is very small compared to the number of pigs infected horses may well have a significant impact, assesses Luca Guard Abassi...

"I do not know how much horses can help to spread the infection among people, but if you look at the type of relationship between humans and horses, it is actually more likely that it is transmitted from horses than from pigs. The level of contact between humans and horses is significantly higher than it is between humans and pigs. " When the infection is not transmitted through cooked food, the relationship between humans and infected animals, which are essential for infection. Luca Guard Abassi points like the expert group report
any health problem among people is still small...

Denmark-MRSA boom: not only a problem for pig farmers

Danish TV helps kill the calumny that the writer does not have the real interests of pig farmers and veterinarians at heart.

They, with their families, are the most at risk from MRSA cc398.

It is  nice to do something for others, especially at this time of year, even if they struggle with mixed feelings on the need for change, the potential loss of income and even livelihood.

People always struggle with change and usually blame anyone other than themselves. We have more sympathy with those directly involved than those who, from choice, deliberately choose to support and encourage damaging activities, often using illegal means.

However, events are now moving so quickly, the veterinarians will have to change tack.

(Note: As usual the 'BBC 'is a mechanical mis-translation for Danish TV, be sure to read in full and follow some of the links.)

The Ingineer also has yet another article and is trying to suggest some solutions here.
and here is Danish TV quoted below. Be sure to read in full.

MRSA boom: Therefore swine bacterium not only a problem for pig farmers

Grabbers authorities no action, even more Danes being hit by MRSA, concludes experts and report.

22 DEC. 2014 PM. 15:00

In 2014, 694 people have been infected with swine bacterium MRSA. Thisis the highest number ever.

By Nicolas Stig Nielsen

The number of Danes infected with swine bacterium MRSA CC398 is steadily increasing. 
The bacterium was first discovered in 2007, when 14 people were diagnosed with the bacterium, while 694 people have been diagnosed with the disease in years.

And is not done nothing to stop the bacteria, then more - also Danes without direct contact with pigs - being hit...

...It appears from the report that an expert committee appointed by the Minister of Food, Dan Jørgensen (S) and Health Minister Nick Haekkerup (S) has prepared.
- Among people who have no contact with pigs, there will be an increasing frequency in the long run, the report reads.

Expert: high time something happens

One reason is that employees in and around pig herds will become infected - and they will pass on infection to people outside farming...

ALSO READ Pig on MRSA quadrupling: We are not proud of

- In the same period there has been a fourfold increase in piggeries, we have seen a tenfold increase in humans. We have seen a number of serious infections and five deaths. Now it is high time we get something done about this problem, says Hans Jørgen Kolmos BBC News.

May cause severe infections

It's Statens Serum Institut, which keeps track of the number of diagnosed. Here Consultant and Area Manager Robert Leo Forestry been with the group of experts about the report. He states that it is primarily people who work in live pigs, which are at risk of being hit, and the vast majority of infected people do not get infections, but:

- The problem occurs if one comes in and needs surgery, and you do not get treatment in advance to ensure that the bacteria can not enter. So you risk serious infections, he explains to BBC News.

And that one should take infection seriously backed by Westh looking MRSA Knowledge Centre at Hvidovre Hospital.

- The (infected with swine bacterium MRSA, ed.) Is a risk of becoming seriously ill - and a risk to other patients.

The greatest risk in the country

The risk of being hit depends in general on where you live in the country. Particularly vulnerable are people living close to pigsties.

READ ALSO Two out of three pig farms are infected with MRSA

- The investigation that we have made show that if you live in rural areas, has up to 2.5 times more likely to carry the bacteria, says Robert Leo Forest and stresses that it is not the same as an infection...

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Denmark - Pig launches MRSA strategy

For the avoidance of doubt, we reproduce this press release without any endorsement.

Britain's veterinary establishment and Britain's pig farmers will draw their own conclusions.

Britain, aside from Northern Ireland very recently, do not, according to Maff-Defra, the Ministry of Agriculture, have MRSA cc398 in the pigs.

We know they have an ever growing credibility problem of global proportions and suggest that they will be called to account before the international courts for crimes against humanity.

Press Release here.

Pig launches MRSA strategy

Significantly less antibiotics in swine barns, research and a major international conference. It is the content of a three-step plan as Pig Research Centre has just been launched to stop the spread of MRSA CC398.

PRESS RELEASE - December 20 2014

The proportion of pig farms MRSA-positive, has grown significantly in recent years.Studies indicate that up to 70 percent of the Danish pig farms resistant staphylococci in the barn doors. Now, Pig Research Centre (PRC) Agriculture & Food gathering knowledge and reduce
antibiotic consumption:

"We have in the Danish pig production reduced antibiotic consumption by ten percent since 2010. Although it will be a challenge, so we will reduce consumption by further ten percent by 2020. We have two months ago decided that in the course of the next year halve the use of the drug tetracycline, and this plan is a response to this significant operations ", says the CEO of VSP Claus Fertin.

Denmark is already among the countries in the world with the lowest consumption of antibiotics produced per kilogram of meat. With the new initiatives from VSP Denmark puts even greater distance to competitors abroad.

"We can not eliminate MRSA by reducing the consumption of antibiotics, but we can already take responsibility for our future resistance problems and hopefully on the way to help show the way for other countries with a significantly higher consumption than Denmark," says Claus Fertin.

Sharing knowledge across borders 

In Denmark, approximately two percent of the staphilococci resistant to the most common antibiotics. In southern Europe, in several countries 25 percent and in many places in Asia and elsewhere, the figure is significantly higher. Common to countries' challenges with MRSA bacteria is that no one has a definitive answer on how to stop the spread of resistant bacteria. Therefore, VSP during spring invite to a major international conference, where researchers, doctors, veterinarians and other relevant capabilities to exchange experience and hopefully find new inspiration to fight resistant bacteria. Not just in pig production but throughout society.

"There is no one who would rather get these bacteria to life than Danish pig producers. But we do not solve the problems alone in Denmark. Therefore, the international perspective is crucial for success. Here I would like to encourage our food minister to press the European Union to speed resistance issues on the agenda.Also in the countries where resistant bacteria are not high on the political agenda, "says Claus Fertin.

Millions for research

Pig Levy Fund, administered by the Agriculture and Food, has just granted 2.4 million kroner to three specific research projects. This shall include examine how widespread MRSA CC398 is among other groups of animals like horses and veal calves. This has not previously been studied in Denmark and may have implications for breaking the routes of infection from pig production to the rest of society. Another project to study the spread of infection from pig production through people into the country's hospitals and thus minimize this risk.

"In general, we lack knowledge about MRSA CC398, and we must of course provide so that we can put the right effort in time instead of making decisions that are not based on a scientific basis. We will not MRSA to life with a snap, and actually I do not believe that MRSA can be eradicated in Denmark, as long as we live in a world where animals, people and goods cross many borders. But we must do what is possible to isolate MRSA CC398 for pig production and of course reduce the incidence, "says director of VSP Claus Fertin.

MRSA stands for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. A special variety of these bacteria called CC398 and occurs among other swine. The staphylococci can be treated, but it is necessary to use other preparations than the most common forms of antibiotics. Over the past two years, more than 700 Danes died of general staphylococcal infections. In the same period, five died of MRSA CC398.

Read more about MRSA CC398

Further information and opinions with Claus Fertin, director of the Pig Research via press consultant Jens Munk Dissing, phone .....

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Denmark - Pig MRSA -'The public will have nothing to Know.'

The Danish pig MRSA saga rolls on.

Even 'The Ingineer' - a highly respected scientific publication reports on the Danish pig MRSA pantomime.

Alas, the deplorable situation is far from being a joke, and is getting worse in many countries, not just Denmark.

The world is going to have to co-operate to get antibiotics out of the hands of veterinarians, the once prestigious profession off the farms, purged of drug dealers and brought under proper democratic control.

Be sure to read in full here, realising that this is a mechanical translation.

Sample: Three out of four Danish pigs are infected with MRSA

A small study from the University of Copenhagen shows that 75 percent of the pigs in 20 herds are infected with porcine MRSA.

By Maria Behrendt December 16, 2014 at. 06:22

Three out of four pigs in 20 Danish pig herds are infected with MRSA 398 - better known as pig-MRSA. According to a new survey conducted by the University of Copenhagen.

The results of the study appear in an annex of an expert meeting on MRSA, where the Folketing food selection was submitted results...

..."The study is intended for internal purposes and therefore crews, no selection of representative criteria," says Jens Peter Nielsen.

Nevertheless, there is the first study of the resistant bacterium spread in Danish pig farms. The so far only study from authorities in Denmark carried DVFA in 2012 in slaughterhouses. It showed that nearly 90 percent of the finishers had MRSA bacteria... 

...Food Administration is currently engaged in a major screening of MRSA infection in two percent of the Danish pig production; equivalent to about 200 herds.

In late October the Food Minister Dan Jørgensen (S) in a consultation
that he expects the number of MRSA-infected pigs in each herd is more
than 50 percent and perhaps as much as 70 percent.

Also read: Farmers on MRSA screening of breeding pigs: Better to live
in blissful ignorance

Originally only DVFA have completed screening and sent the test results to the cast pig in October, but in the authority, problems have arisen with some of the samples, and it has led to delays. It is expected, however, that individual farmers will have the results before Christmas.

The public will have nothing to Know

The public on the other hand have to wait long to get to know. An earlier application from Agriculture and Food causes namely that DVFA not publish results from random tests...

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Finns find Danish pork with MRSA - and half admit they have it too.

Finnish TV report on finding MRSA contaminated Danish pork on Finnish supermarket shelves and the differing reactions of the two supermarkets.

The very last sentence seems to suggest that the Finnish government Food Standards are following the British formula:

We have made sure we have not found it in our pigs, so we haven't got it, or maybe we have and expect to get caught!

It is almost, what used to be called, in happier days, an 'Ealing comedy.'

Finnish TV here, be sure to read in full, taking account that it is a mechanical translation to English.

News 15.12.2014 11:37 | updated 16.12.2014 9:53

S-Group guarded on super bacteria found in imported pork products

A representative of the food retail duopolist S-Group has played down. concerns about the MRSA super bacteria found in pork products imported into Finland. The food safety watchdog Evira found the antibiotic-resistant bug in meat products on sale at outlets across
the capital area.

An Yle check found that the S-Group's Prisma supermarket in Espoo is stocked with Danish Christmas hams, some of which were found to contain the difficult-to-treat MRSA bacterium.

The matter came to light when journalists from Yle's investigative TV programme MOT and its Swedish-language in-depth reportage programme Spotlight tested 25 packages of pork products from different parts of the greater Helsinki area...

...Immediately following the disclosures, Kesko, Finland's other main food retailer, announced that it was recalling the entire batch of pork products from supermarket shelves...

...S Group "won't necessarily take any action"...

...When MOT reporters pointed out that the decision could mean that consumers would be at risk of purchasing hams containing the stubborn bacteria, Ristaniemi responded:
"That's quite possible. We don't see it as a food safety risk," she added...

...MOT's journalists found no evidence of MRSA bacteria in Finnish meat products, however Evira said it would not rule out the possibility that the super bacteria could also be present in domestic meat. The food safety authority estimated that MRSA could be found in 15 percent of Finnish pig farms.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Denmark allows pig farmers to drop MRSA test.

The Danes are really desperate to hide the extent of MRSA in pigs and pig farmers, their staff and families, and veterinarians.

Not quite as desperate as Britain, where the veterinary establishment are so terrified of the public reaction, that they still claim no MRSA st398 has been found in any pigs on the island of Great Britain (Northern Ireland recently admitted some MRSA in piglets.)

We were amused to see the concluding references to Christmas on the Danish report.

Britain's dreadful manipulative agricultural ministry actually managed to announce on Christmas Day 2012 that the English milk supply was contaminated with MRSA st398.

We must make quite sure that they are questioned on that pantomime when they are finally called to account.

That story is here

A very nice Christmas present for the people of Britain from the protectors and cronies of drug dealers!

Over to Denmark and their brand of festive cheer. You can read the latest report here, be sure to read in full. It could be a seasonal comedy if it was not so serious.

Governing allows farmers to drop MRSA test

DVFA accept if pig farmers do not want to participate in a study ofresistant MRSA bacteria in the Danish stables. The investigation isdelayed.

By Adam Fribo December 10, 2014 at. 06:00

It is up to the farmers' own good conscience whether they will let DVFA make the samples should shed light on how widespread MRSA bacteria is in the Danish pig farms. According to an internal email correspondence from the DVFA, as journalists Nils Mulvad and Kjeld
Hansen had access.

"Legally, we are entitled to to force us access to this control. But it has been decided that we so far will not by force us access to the herd owners' desire, "it said in an email from 18 June.

Read also: Journalists convicted for publishing MRSA information

Veterinarian Stig Mellergaard from DVFA explains that it did not intend to force farmers to participate as pig-MRSA is not a particularly dangerous bacteria...

Friday, 12 December 2014

Pig MRSA - Danes bring the auditors in.

We are seeing new developments in the fight against livestock related disease, superbugs, in many countries including Britain, where the government brought in an economist, and now in Denmark where the auditors are on the job.

This whole business started for us when we tried to stop a British government veterinarian faking a test during an epidemic. It was obviously a routine practice. That is when the abuse, threats, libels and cover-ups started for us.

Since, we have learned that the veterinary industry worldwide is not just awash with drugs and drug dealing, but also with faked documents, fiddled figures and statistics, and constant disinformation. In short, organised veterinary crime misleading government and public.

If we want to stop it, government has to bring in the forensic auditors, not just to add up the cash, but to check the veterinary reports, facts and figures. The public statements are hopelessly inconsistent and contradictory.

It is a good development: too late, too slow, but still warmly welcomed.

From Denmark, we get the latest, of which we just quote a small part, be sure to read (mechanical translation) in full here:

National Audit dissects Food Administration in case of pig-MRSA

National Audit Office is surprised to Management Agency has not worked.

Signe Thomsen 

Journalist and on duty

National Audit Office has the past three months performed a feasibility study of the Food Agency's efforts to combat resistant bacteria from agriculture, including the multi-resistant pig MRSA.

READ ALSO Dan Jørgensen heralds huge increase of pig MRSA

The feasibility study is now leading to the National Audit Office will put a bigger investigating around in time, which is expected in autumn 2015.

"We believe that there are grounds to investigate the area further," said press officer Lisbeth Sørensen without wanting to get in on what it specifically for the characteristics that the National Audit Office will proceed with the case.

"We give our opinion not on the background, and we can not get into the ministries and agencies that will be involved in the investigation."

Professor Welcomes investigating around

In connection with the inquiry was launched, said the National Audit Office in an email to Politiken that it was the marked increase in the number of Danes who become infected with porcine MRSA, and a growing use of antibiotics in particular pig production - which can lead to the development of resistant bacteria - that got that body to take an interest in the matter.

National Audit Office had taken careful note of that, although the Food Administration since 2008 has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce the prevalence of resistant bacteria from agriculture, they do not leave to have worked. The feasibility study should, among other things to identify whether there was reason to scrutinize whether the Food Ministry has spent taxpayers' money in the best way or not, and the National Audit Office has therefore decided that there is a reason...

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Drug-resistant infections could lead to 10 million extra deaths a year

We woke this morning to a storm, with Britain, for once, leading an exposure.

It is Jim O'Neill and his report on Antibiotic Resistance, of course.

It seems appropriate to mark the occasion and to congratulate one of the most important journalists exposing the scandal with her book "Superbug" - Maryn McKenna, of course.

For this blog, it is 14 years of campaigning coming to a conclusion, quite soon perhaps, leaving behind a useful record of some significant events recorded on the newsgroup and elsewhere - even Hansard at the House of Commons and OLAF the serious fraud squad of the EU.

The Guardian report of the latest news here is pretty comprehensive

Drug-resistant infections could lead to 10 million extra deaths a year – report

The Guardian 

Former Goldman Sachs chief economist Jim O'Neill, who chaired the report, said AMR represents a more certain threat than climate change in the short term. “We cannot allow these projections to materialise for any of us, especially our fellow citizens in the ...

Other typical headlines follow:

Superbugs to kill 'more than cancer' by 2050

BBC News 

The tide of drug-resistant superbugs threatens to overwhelm us ifaction isn't taken

ITV News 

Superbug threat to human race 'more certain' than climate change – inquiry chief

How superbugs could cost the world $100 trillion by 2050

Superbugs Could Kill Over 10 Million A Year

Sky News

That's enough: the headlines are circling the world faster than the writer can type.

What the reports do not yet do, as far as we can see, is make the link to the veterinary industry and their excesses.

That will follow very soon, with their drug dealers, and their associated criminal activities, coming under international scrutiny and being called to account.

Antibiotics have to be removed from veterinary control urgently and the proceeds of associated crime in Britain confiscated to help the NHS.

The problems for veterinarians will be deep and wide: the absence of antibiotics impacts veterinary practice even more seriously than human medicine - there is little veterinarians can do for animals without antibiotics.

So we are witnessing the beginning of the collapse, in total disgrace, of an industry that ruthlessly exploited their power and dominance.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Industrial Farming - Modern Slavery

Industrial scale livestock farming is not doing too well anywhere. Profits all the way through the system are down and the stress of over-borrowing is showing.

That's all a straight forward business situation common to any industry from time to time.

But farmers cannot make consistent money out of sick animals and the unusual structure of the pig and poultry industry, pretty well everywhere, means that the man who does much of the borrowing, does not call the tune.

They feel trapped: they are trapped in modern farm slavery by contract. We feel for the farmers. They have not been wise, but they were sold a pup: all risk with the real money lining the pockets of drug dealers and banksters. Some even finds its way into political campaign donations in Britain!

The story now breaking is from the USA, but it could be pretty well anywhere.

The story was published in two parts - a farmer driven to desperation speaking out, and bringing the film crews and reporters in. Then before the ink was dry, what may well have been retribution.

Fortunately, the US media jumped and went into overdrive to protect the whistle-blower.

In Britain, dreadful Defra and its drug dealer pals protect the slave masters with the vetocracy providing the enforcers.

You can get the story here. It's a good time to value and encourage a free press.

...The disagreement highlights the fraught relationship between modern contract farmers and the nation’s biggest meat companies. Farmers like Watts borrow millions of dollars to build large factory farms, but they never actually own the birds they raise. Instead, they sign a contract ... which deliver the live birds and pay the farmer to raise them. The companies also deliver chicken feed and send veterinarians by the farm to check on the birds and administer drugs if needed. Farmers like Watts have little freedom in choosing how to raise their chickens, and they have no control over the kind of bird that is delivered to their farm. Chicken farmers live in perpetual fear that companies will cancel their contracts, so they rarely speak with reporters...

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Pirbright Blunders "Does British Agriculture have a Death Wish?"

The answer to the question posed by Prof Richard Ebright "Does British agriculture have a death wish?" is "No."

British farming is preyed upon by a veterinary elite, that has long since lost any sense of integrity.

British livestock farming suffers by being effectively, albeit inefficiently, controlled by a corrupt and incompetent government ministry, aided by a huge number of dependent quangos, bullies, cronies, dubious charities and creepy publicists.

It is an empire of crime, propaganda and secrecy. Farmers dare not speak out and their organisations, who should be protecting them, are, by and large, useless.

Vastly expensive Maff-Defra, and its multitude of name changing institutions, are now so appalling that root and branch reform is quite inevitable.

Be sure to read the Guardian report, in full, here. We just give a single quote that took our eye:

"The problems at the AHVLA, now the APHA, may be tougher to solve though. “As long as the management remains, the same problems will recur,” Ebright said. “You either close the facility, redirect it or rebuild it, starting with new management. It’s not the managers who send out putatively inactivated anthrax, but they have allowed that to happen. There has to be accountability all the way to the top.”

Revealed: 100 safety breaches at UK labs handling potentially deadly diseases

Blunders led to live anthrax being posted from one lab and holes being found in isolation suits at a facility handling Ebola-infected animals.

Ian Sample, science editor

Thursday 4 December 2014 12.31 GMT

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Veterinary Drug Dealing "Incarnation of Evil."

The unexpected has happened again in animal health. Things go quiet, and all hope of ever dealing with veterinary crime, and the resulting human misery and deaths, departs. Then the light of real science and integrity shines through the darkness.

The French and Germans together, with the extremely critical Swiss, have started to move to stem the flow of antibiotic resistant disease from livestock to people.

The Scandinavians might still be squabbling, with the Danes in the dock, but now the heavyweights of Europe have started to move to get their veterinarians brought under proper control.

Incidentally, Germany seems to have only half the vets as the UK! How is that possible?

Die Welt, the top German paper, has published a series of stinging articles, naming names and exposing the vast profits that veterinarians make by selling antibiotics to industrial scale farming.

The more they supply, the bigger the discount from the suppliers and the more money they make. We are talking massive profits for endangering human health.

The major livestock veterinarians have every financial incentive to maximise the use of antibiotics.

Much of the information and the criticism comes from within the veterinary industry.

One veterinarian apparently even left Germany for England to avoid being involved!

That may have been a journey from the frying pan into the fire!

Anyway, here is a reference to help readers trace the story in Die Zeit.

"Continuously fabric by the doctor Without antibiotics, many animals would not survive until slaughter - a good deal for veterinarians BY CHRISTIAN FUCHS"

The writer was aware that discontent was rising in Germany and France and that protesters, usually other professionals, were working cross-border to get the sale of veterinary drugs out of veterinarian hands.

That won't be enough to solve all the problems, of course, but it is a necessary step to protect human health.

The Die Zeit articles and their content came as a surprise. We first saw comment published in English here, And now much re-published in the British media, reproducing comment supporting veterinarians from the German farmers' association.

Revered Paper Attacked For Antibiotics Prejudice28 November 2014

But, of course, it is very difficult for any farming publisher. They rely on advertising and you can see the huge share of journal income provided by the pharmaceutical industry.

Anyway, British veterinarians and dreadful Defra, Britain's appallingly corrupt farm ministry, will be well aware of the activity in Germany. They will not be happy. They still, improbably, claim that British pigs are free of MRSA cc398.

Maybe things are changing. The FSA, the closely associated British Food Standards Agency, stood their ground and published the results of the depressing campylobacter tests on chickens, naming names despite industry protests. (Tesco came out best!)

Food Safety and Public Health professionals in countries like Australia and Canada have long been highly critical of the performance of Britain's Food Standards Agency: in protecting human lives, in their secrecy and their grovelling towards an inadequate food industry. They also are asking some very interesting questions and giving some forthright advice to the consumer!

Read in full here.

UK supermarkets named and shamed over Campylobacter on chicken contamination

...Dear British public, be outraged, act, withhold your money until you can have confidence in what you consume. This may not be orthodox public health strategy but it is definitely what history shows works when standards are as dire as these results show them to be.

And here where Public Health England  apparently hid up an E.Coli outbreak:

UK E coli victims: Why didn’t Public Health England tell people about outbreak months ago?

...“Why does it need a newspaper to get involved for PHE to do something?"

So, in conclusion, on a wide- ranging blog: the long awaited animal health storm is now just off Britain's shore. The waves are lapping at the feet of a corrupt British veterinary industry, their front organisations, cronies and bullies, at a time when a British general election is looming.