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Friday 13 June 2014

Denmark - Pig farmers gather ammunition against MRSA publication

It is impossible not to feel sympathetic, but this is the result of allowing secrecy in the first place. If genuine media stories were allowed to develop, for good or ill, over years, it would never reach such a pitch.

Look at Britain, where her most senior veterinarians are absolutely terrified of what is going to come out when the scandal of multiple pig health cover-ups breaks. A Royal Commission is now inevitable and they will have to give evidence under oath with severe penalties for perjury.

It is the secrecy, deliberate disinformation and cover-ups that prevent the problems being tackled properly. It allows government to abdicate their proper responsibilities and allows chancers and confidence tricksters to fill the gap.

You can't treat sick pigs with slick PR, corruption, conspiracy, threats, secrecy, wild fabrications and blaming the innocent.

These farming organisations should be worried about the health of their members and their own families, not trying to impose news blackouts.

The full article from Lansbrugavisen is here

Pig farmers gather ammunition against MRSA publication

By Philip Knaack Kirkegaard

Friday, June 13, 2014 17:00

Danish Pig Producers collect stories about playmates for example, not to play with pig producers children due to MRSA fears.

Pig farmers risk being stigmatized in society if the public which herds infected with MRSA.

It believes Danish Pig Producers who are upset that the ParliamentaryOmbudsman believes that it is wrong to deny journalists access to infection data on livestock...