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Tuesday 1 July 2014

Denmark - MRSA cc398 (st398) - catch 22

This quote, and this quote only, is given in both English and Danish on this report from the Danish pig farmers' organisation.

"No need to be concerned about MRSA, if you do not work with animals, says Danish Pig farmers Chairman."

Of course, most Danes speak near perfect English, but the same cannot be said about English speakers handling Danish. One is tempted to think they wanted only the good news to go abroad, keeping the bad for domestic consumption.

That they could easily, and should, have given an English version, and the fact that they haven't is catch 22, number one. We are left for the moment with a mechanical translation that may be more alarming than a proper translation.

Catch 22 number two is that both the Engineer and the American scientists in Ohio are highly respected sources. Is a farming organisation, in a muddle with a financial interest and a human and animal health crisis on their hands, as reliable?

Catch 22 number three is that it is the pig farmers organising and threatening legal action to keep the locations of the farms secret: the very information that could prove their case, if they have one.

Catch 22 number four is that whilst they rubbish the American research and conclusions, they make no effort to provide alternative figures even without exact locations.

Catch 22 number five is that in claiming that there is no risk to the general local population in the vicinity, but it is all to pig farmers and their employees and families close to infected pigs, they transfer all the responsibility for protecting their members and families health to themselves and their government.

However, not all is wrong in the Kingdom of Denmark. The government has admitted they have a problem with MRSA st398 and are protecting their hospitals. They are still way ahead of Britain who still does nothing to protect even the hospitals.

The Danes and their pork have always been popular in Britain. The massive seaport of Felixstowe was built on high quality Danish bacon and beer, with the writer cutting his teeth, meeting and clearing through customs, fourteen Danish lorries of pork, coming off a ferry in the early days of ro/ro. That was 45 years ago.

The is the Danish mechanical translation is here.

Pig: medium MRSA study flawed

By Philip Knaack Kirkegaard
Monday, June 30, 2014 17:09

No need to be concerned about MRSA, if you do not work with animals, says Danish Pig farmers Chairman.

Ingen grund til at være bekymret for MRSA, hvis man ikke arbejder med levende dyr, siger Danske Svineproducenters formand.

Municipalities where there are many pigs are also experiencing major infection with MRSA CC398.

It tells the magazine engineer based on their own investigation, which also said.

Now dishes Danish Pig farmers Chairman, Henrik Mortensen, criticism of the Engineer's investigation, inspired by U.S..

"... Both the Danish and American studies suffer from the huge source of error that also farmers and farm employees covered by the survey. You can not say anything sensible about the risks of being just next door to a pig, "writes Henrik Mortensen in a comment.
He refers to a response from the Ministry of Health to parliament, which concerned a study from Iowa. The Ministry of Health pointed out among other things that people who worked or lived on farms, should be subtracted.

"There is no reason to be worried about infection with MRSA CC398 if you do not work with live animals or live with people who work with animals," he continues.