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Monday 25 August 2014

Denmark - Porcine MRSA - school visits to pig farms

Denmark TV  today picks up the theme of the wisdom of school visits to pig farms.

As far as we know, this is not an issue in Britain, Commercial pig farms, who generally do not even like their addresses published, certainly do not encourage visitors.

But there have been issues at "petting zoos" and in the USA at both petting zoos and agricultural fairs.

But overall, since Defra, Britain's devious agricultural  ministry, has only admitted a single British pig MRSA case in a Northern Irish piglet, and that only recently. the problem is more closely related to the ridiculous veterinary fantasy of healthy British pig herds and never ending illegal cover-ups.

We have to assume the worst and keep the kids away from the pigs.

If things are as bad in the UK, as in Denmark, we should be following the Danish veterinary reformers and critics closely to start to realise the full human health implications.

A mechanical translation is here, as always, read in full.

PM. 13:41In July,

105 people infected with the resistant swine bacterium MRSA, which is the highest number ever.

By Maja Lark Maach

Almost every other pigs can be infected with the dangerous MRSA bacteria.And while the multi-resistant bacteria spreads, and more people without contact with pigs get the bacteria, there are still thousands of children and adults who come to visit our farms.
A farm can namely according to Health Control Transfiguration continue as farm visits, even if the infection is detected in a shrinking population.

And it worries Hans Jørn Kolmos, professor of microbiology. His research swine bacterium...

...Drop trips

Hans Jørn Kolmos calls on the authorities to either completely stop the visits, or at least require that the farms are tested free of infection before a class or an institution shall make a farm visit...

...From 2008 to 2012 had farms with MRSA bacteria is not used as places to visit, but this has changed.

It has not been possible to get a comment from the Health Protection Agency. Device Manager Søren Brostrøm says to Politiken :

- One should be pretty close and frequent contact with infected pigs to be a carrier of MRSA CC398. Therefore, we advise not brief visit to visit farms. But hygiene should be in the order of visiting the stables...