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Monday 4 August 2014

MRSA in Pigs - Germs can take shelter behind EU-law

Danish 'rebels' relaying more from Sweden's Sunday Press:

Culling, and controls on antibiotic use and live imports of breeding stock and material, might have worked if it had been implemented a decade ago, although we doubt if it is feasible in either Denmark or Britain now, because of the sheer number of pigs carrying MRSA, and indeed other disease and antibiotic resistant bacteria dangerous to humans.

But we have to do something, and culling your way down a pyramid might work over time. It needs to be started very soon.

You have to put people's lives first and we should remember that the veterinarians, though their own fault, are the most at risk.

Even their drug-dealing profits won't help them. The best private hospitals will be reluctant to admit them.

The first thing we need is a clear admission from Defra, Britain's sub-standard ministry of agriculture, of the scale of the problem in Britain, how long MRSA has been present in pigs and the prompt removal of those responsible for yet another zoonotic disaster and cover-up..

As always, read the Danes in full here and please remember it is a machine translation.

Germs can take shelter behind EU-law


The European Union has so far only ”recommendations” and ”support” to offer against resistant germs. A ”stamping out” strategy Norwegian style is ruled out in the EU.

Nine out of ten pigs for the slaughterhouse in Denmark are infected with MRSA...

The Commission, the EU’s governmental body and the only institution empowered to propose legislation, has so far taken a cautious stand on the threat of antibiotic resistance...