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Saturday 2 August 2014

Denmark - Pig MRSA - Worse to come

A constructive letter reminding the Danish politicians of their responsibilities for controlling antibiotic use in the pig industry.

Obviously, the same kind of protest is now developing in Britain. It is very slow, bearing in mind the much more serious situation in the UK.

The politicians have to put the over-powerful British veterinary organisations, their PR and lobbying, under tight emergency supervision immediately and insist that the state veterinarians start carrying out their duties properly, without fear or favour.  Their habit of creating, covering-up and later justifying zoonotic disease disasters cannot be allowed to continue.

Freezing some drug dealing bank accounts would work wonders!

lETTERS TO THE EDITOR 02.08.2014 KL. 03:00
MRSA bacteria are only the Advance

We must content ourselves with MRSA bacteria in the Danish pig herds.According to the Food Minister, it is too difficult and too expensive to get rid of them. It would cost the Treasury 3.5 billion. £

The damage is done, he says, and then he explains neither why it is the Treasury to pay or why he only looks at costs, not on the savings to healthcare mm, which is part of the Norwegian study that his ministry is based its calculation on.

The damage is only partially done. MRSA bacteria are only advance party. Other bacteria will follow, and some of them will certainly be more dangerous than MRSA CC398, which is the type of MRSA found in pigs.

So far, MRSA CC398 caused four deaths in Denmark. As long as the authorities allow pig farmers to use antibiotics to the extent that they do, they will cultivate bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.

People multiply by 25-year intervals, while bacteria can multiply by 20 minutes. Every time they do, there is a possibility that the resulting bacteria better to cause disease and / or resist antibiotics.

In 2012, Danish doctors used 49 tons of antibiotics in humans. It's too much, and doctors should be much more reluctant to write prescriptions for antibiotics, but in that year we spent in Denmark 86 tons of antibiotics to pigs. It was even 4 tonnes more than in 2011.

Antibiotics have been developed for the treatment of sick people, but doctors and especially veterinarians and farmers use them to an extent that creates resistant bacteria that cause infectious diseases in humans, we can not treat.

Clinicians should be far more critical in their use of antibiotics, but the key is to stop the routine use of antibiotics in pig production. There are better ways to produce pork, and so by the Minister for Food.

The minister's job is on our behalf to regulate agriculture, including large pig factories. Pork exports account for less than 5 per cent. of Danish exports.

There's nothing to be afraid of. Apart from MRSA and other antibiotic-resistant bacteria, we know will come.